International House of Dan: My, How Time Flies...

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

My, How Time Flies...

Has it really been almost 3 months? In a rare departure from my rule about personal news, I feel an explanation is owed for my prolonged absence.

Work at the Local became impossibly frenetic for about a month, until I resigned my position in mid-February after thirteen months of slowly becoming increasingly displeased. Then came the, brief, but time-consuming job hunt, and I was rehired by the Union (state council, not the Local) as a "political consultant" to work on a county-wide campaign after about a week of reckless spending and relaxation. Then some "West Wing" style Chicago political drama took place, and I was reassigned to another county-wide campaign.

Today is the primary, and I hope to be able to return to my neglected little blog, if not during the upcoming job hunt, then shortly after its conclusion. I have a few prospects in line, but I need to figure out what I want to do next before and carefully weigh my options before I invest myself in something... (some of you must be wondering how I have time to write on Election Day, well... my candidate's basically going to win by a lot, so there's not much for us to do).

Next Sunday I must travel to Goshen, IN to participate in a panel discussion about the ICC. I plan to explore and share my musings on the latest developments at The Hague in the time between now and then.


Blogger maire said...

hey there stranger!

glad to see you're back in action per se. hope you're well and best of luck in these new developments!!

---maire aka your sassy library gal

22 March, 2006 09:54  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice to see you are still alive.


22 March, 2006 12:22  

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